Friday 1 November 2013

Less than a week to go.!

Shopping is almost done. I have  that much safety gear that one would think i was going to the Sahara desert.  Have all the 4wd recovery equipment, 10L spare diesel, fridge, solar panels to run the fridge, tent, mattress etc etc.  Still waiting on the satellite phone to arrive.  I have also bought a personal EPIRB ( emergency positioning location device ) just in case. Lets hope i dont set that off by accident.

UHF radio, Roof Rack and extending sunshade installed.
Bash plates are installed under the car Monday, drawers in the back Tuesday,
Pack Wednesday and on the road Thursday.

The Journey then begins. The destination is Uluru. When and what direction i take to get their is flexible.

New camera lens yet to arrive from the store..fingers crossed

Must not forget water....Hmmmm that's the most important.


  1. Hope that camera lens arrived! That's essential for all those magnificent colours at sun rise at the rock! Good luck, we'll be watching!
