Saturday 9 November 2013

Day 3 - Saturday & Sunday Narooma NSW

On the Friday afternoon I drove to Narooma which is 350km south of Sydney. Peter and Kylie have a holiday house there. 

Saturday started with a bacon and egg roll at the local cafe follow by a walk around town.

Narooma is a small tourist town with a population of approx. 8500. Its right on the coast with a big four caravan park right on the harbour that makes it way out to meet some dramatic ocean front.

The water here is pristine turquoise when the sun shines. Its a bit of a gem.

A walk around the harbour up to the point took us past the fast flowing waters entering the harbour to the Ocean side where dramatic rock formations are slammed by the waves. A particular one is Australia Rock, (because the whole in the rock is the shape of Australia) 

See the seals lying sun baking and swimming on the harbour entrance. Some amazing wildlife to be seen with a black bird with the most amazing red beak.

After lunch i put in some work and helped with the lawn followed by fine dinning at the Whale Restaurant was a treat.

An afternoon drive to Tilba to buy some cheese and see the town followed by a stop off at Mystery Bay on the way back to Narooma. Some great camping sites there for those interested.

The next morning it was off to breakfast, walk the dogs and time for me to say farewell.

Thanks Peter and Kylie and kids for a great couple of days.

Peter, Kylie, Keisha and Dizzy

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