Friday 22 November 2013

Day 15 - Friday - Adelaide. A difficult day

Today I went to Glenelg and took some photos by the beach. 

Then I got the call from the Vet.

Patsy our burmilla cat has lived with Jay and I for the past 19 years.  He has been touch and go for the past two years health wise.  Today is the day I had to agree to say good bye to him as recommended by our family Vet. 

Im a long way from home but for some reason I knew this could happen. I had already said my farewell to him when I left for my trip hoping he might keep well until my return for Xmas. Fate has taken its course.. 

For people without kids they will understand our pets are our children. Jay and I had Patsy for 19 years. Thats one year shorter than Jay and I were together so he was a big part of our lives.  Patsy will be cremated and placed with Jay upon my return. 

RIP little one. Fluffy, Dario and I will miss you…together with all of our friends who knew you.