Sunday 17 November 2013

Day 10 - Sunday - Now the test of Tommy, were off to Mt Terrible

So this morning I awoke after a good sleep. It was a warmish night.( above 10 degrees )  and Paul had already lit the morning fire. The hot chocolate was almost ready.
The sun rose quickly into what was to be a fine and clear day.

Leaving Grannies flat we headed to Jamieson a very picturesque country town where we filled the car and headed to Mt Terrible.  Would this be my nemesis … This day was to test me out doing real four wheel driving.  To date we have driven over 400km on dirt roads around the alpine region sight seeing. Now today was for play.

The path leads to Mt Terrible but every kilometer the track splits into two for about 250 meters.   One is the Nanny track for the simplier run and the alternate track the more demanding.

We did try some of very demanding tracks and Paul was really proud of what I and he were able to achieve.

You really can't see how steep this hill is when recorded. A very big climb

Tommy handled the terrain with out any hesitation…  Two good investments were the under body protection plates and I gave the underneath of the car a bit of a thump today…and no damage, together with the UHF radio that has allowed Paul and I to talk to each other as we travel.

Another living life day…….I love nature….and Tommy Touareg.

Back to Springvale for a good sleep and a well deserved shower and real toilet to use. Yay


  1. Well done. You're not a virgin anymore.

  2. Let me guess which tent is yours :)

    Great pics Keith!

  3. Hey great pics mate-soon you will have to call him tough tommy..say hi to Paul for me
