Thursday 14 November 2013

Day 7 - Thursday - A day in Springvale

So the rain is coming to an end. Its time to empty the car and repack it so its more functional to access the equipment long term. Over time I have gathered what works and what doesn't.

Ive got rid of the big Queen size mattress off the roof,  to be replaced by smaller ones that fit in the car.

Ive bought a fridge slide so I can access food easier and installed it by myself.  Im such a trade   

Paul taught me to jack up the car and change a wheel, bit different for a Touareg than a standard car so I'm glad I had the practice…

We tested the step that attaches to the wheel to access the roof as well, and fixed potential damage to the Rim that would have been caused by it if Paul wasnt so observant.

As Paul says...its all about planning so nothing is new on the day when it happens.

Thanks Paul.

The new Sattelite phone arrived and I learnt how to use it.  You can call me on it if you want at normal phone rates. I cant call you as satellite calls are VERY expensive. This might keep me safe in times of need.

Brendan my old flatmate from Sydney came over for dinner with Paul and I at the local hotel called the Waltzing Matilda. 

A nice night with good friends. Thanks guys … .with a funny exit..….

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