Tuesday 26 November 2013

Day 19 - Tuesday. A day of rest and a Joy flight

It was 35 degrees today. Too hot to go walking and I took in so much yesterday that today is a day of rest and catch up. Washing, writing blog and just chilling.

There is very limited mobile or internet access here and where im heading, probably not for a week or more. Lucky I bought the Satellite phone to keep in touch with the outside world if need be.

I did secure a flight this afternoon over Wilepena Pound. 

Wilpena Pound
The story of why Wilpena Pound exists as it does today is fascinating and provides a sense of just how old the exposed earth is. Millions of years of erosion has created the natural ampitheatre, surrounded by ancient mountain ranges.
The landscape is summed up perfectly in this quote by Hans Heysen: “the bones of the earth laid bare”. It provides insight through exposure - layers, colours, vastness - an almost intimidating reminder that we are only on this earth for a short time.
A visit to the Flinders should be a ‘rite of passage’ for all
Rawnsley Park Station

Michael the pilot and I

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