Monday 25 November 2013

Day 18 . Monday - Drive around the Flinders Ranges

Today I decided instead of taking the guided tours, I would save the money and explore by myself. I set off from Rawnsley Park station to Wilpena Pound only to find you have to do a two to six hour walk to see it. Off again in the car 30km, -13km off road ( down with the tyre pressure) to see the Sacred Canyon. This is a Aboriginal Heritage site with wonderful rock formations and aboriginal paintings. I was the only person for at least 15km.

During the day of my travels I only saw 2 other vehicles during the 96km I drove off road. I saw more kangaroos an emus than people.

Again the day was 6 hours of driving, stopping to enjoy breathtaking scenery. I probably averaged 60km per hour and the roads although rough for a standard car were a breeze for Tommy. I also have a level of comfort now knowing that even though I might be 50km way from anyone… Im well prepared for any issue.

I recommend this day trip to anyone.
Sacred Canyon
Bunyeroo Gorge
Brachina Gorge
Back down the highway to Merna Mora
Then turn left along the Moralana Scenic drive
And left again at the main road to Rawnley park.

The evening I drove up the hill to see the sunset over Wilpena Pound & Rawnsley Bluff.  Such a wonderful day of photography …. 

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