Monday 25 November 2013

Day 16 + 17 - Sat and Sunday - Adelaide to Rawnsley Park Station SA

Arriving in Adelaide, I got to stay with my off sider of UniLodge early days, Geoff and  his family. Great company,  and spoilt with two dinners out prior to me having to cook for myself, together with a bit of wine……

Thanks guys….

On Sunday I met up and stayed with Django for lunch, (a friend Jay and I met at the Duke in Enmore in the past) and his mum who both were well versed in the outback of SA. It was here we actually started to detail my trip which to this point I have been doing day by day. I stay the night here ready for my big adventure on Monday.

I don’t have a time limit other than I need to be home by the 13 December so lets see what happens from here:

Today was Adelaide via the RM Williams highway to Hawker then up the road to Rawnsley Park Station. 

This is a working sheep farm with hotel, caravan park, camping ground and YHA backpackers.

You see sheep grazing around, together with kangaroos and emus.

Abundant bird life all around here being Ringneck Parrots, Elegant Parrots, Galahs, Wedgetailed Eagles and Whistling Kites along with the Aussie Magpie.
As its not shearing season that’s about all the action here.

I have chosen again not to set the tent and stay 3 nights in a 6 berth cabin for $50 per night. Sorry that’s the rate for a single.  I would say maximum 10 other people here at the moment. Its really quiet and all they keep to themselves mainly

Driving toward the Flinders ranges which was about 6 hours out of Adelaide was again beautiful for me. Some say there is nothing there but maybe they do the trip too often.  

For me I saw farms extending over rolling hills growing thousands of hectares of grain, some harvesting,  sheep, and cattle. 

I passed the Barossa which I didn’t stop in, as no one to drink with….and just wonderful country side all the way.…..After four pm I started to see Kangaroos and Emus and hence started to drive slower.

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