Saturday 12 April 2014

120414 - Kosciuszko National Park .

This morning Ian awoke to 10 kangaroos outside around the front garden enjoying some sunshine.
Ian wheres the photo??

We headed off to the Lobs Hole Ravine Road do play off road in our 4WDs.
Rough dirt roads,

Unfortunately after driving for an hour and a bit,  the creek in the middle needed to be crossed. After much consternation, Ian evaluating and me stripping to my undies to check the conditions, it was decided by both of us that the risk in driving through the fast moving waters was too great.

We turned around and returned from where we came.

You don't want to see this one large

After returning the way we can in we went off to Yarrangobilly  caves for a tour.  The paid tour took us through Jersey cave which was spectacular, albeit after you tackled far too many steep wet stairs. If your going there serious consider a night at the guest house at the same location.  If its as nice on the inside as out definitely a treat.

Unfortunately we left our shorts behind so we couldn't enjoy the thermal pool at the same location.

Back for a early night at Talbingo and get the dry tent away safely from the yard where its been drying.

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