Tuesday 1 October 2013

Botany Bay NSW - Journey 1 = Off to find where it all began...

Say good bye to Jays Polo which has been adopted by Jays mum Lynne.  Great to keep "Vera" Volkswagen in the family.

Hello big car....The natural place to test my new driving skills in my new beast and start my journey is where it all started for white man in Australia...Botany Bay at Kurnell the place that Captain Cook landed.
Next to see the Hawkesbury sandstone cliffs at Cape Solander also in Botany Bay national park followed by Lunch with Roy and Martin who joined the trip.
After lunch a drive through Cronulla. ( cant believe i had never been their either)

Everyone should take a day out to Kurnell. 7/10

It was fitting for Journey 1 to be standing where Captain Cook landed which is directly opposite where Jay is laid to rest......

Botany Bay National Park. The Endevour Landing Place
James Cook was the first European known to have explored the more habitable east coast. Cook had been sent to chart the transit of Venus from Tahiti, but he also charted much of the Australian and New Zealand coastlines. He reached New Zealand in October 1769, and mapped its coast. On 19 April 1770, the crew of the Endeavour sighted the east coast of Australia and ten days later landed in a bay now located in Sydney's southern suburbs.

For further interesting info on Australia's discovery that you may wish to refresh you historical prowess have a read of the link.
Cape Solander

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