Sunday 6 October 2013

Pinnacles WA = Such an awsome place. Must come back with my new camera...

Located in the Nambung National Park located 200 km north of Perth are the Pinnacles.

Rising mysteriously form the dunes sands are thousands of limestone pillars up to four metres tall: a landscape in eerie contrast to the surrounding heath. Some are jagged, sharp-edged columns rising to the a point; others resemble tombstones.

Unfortunately the visitors centre was closed but i believe that it time gone by.. hundreds if not thousands of years ago the land was part of the ocean.  over the centuries the oceans have moved receeded and have left these amazing structures open to the weather to be eroded.

What an amazing place.....

Sorry Roy and Ben ....I never really took notice of your previous visit on this one.

Recommend a must do if your going to Perth. 8/10

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