Friday 2 May 2014

020514 - Freycinet Peninsula by boat

Today I took a boat cruise around the Freycinet Penisular with Wineglass Bay Cruises. Good value at $130 and a day full of excitement with lots of wildlife making the journey wonderful.

Note the large eagles nest in the larger tree

The Breather hole. ( or blow hole )

Dolphins come to play with the boat

Round the corner to visit seals.

Off to Wine Glass Bay, named in the late 1800s when the bay looked like Claret when the whaling was being done due to the blood. Now the locals are proud to have crystal clear water.  Considered the second most pristine beach in Australia coming behind Whitehaven beach in North Queensland.

Leaving Wine Glass Bay and turning right. If we go straight ahead you would hit Christchurch

Next we had more Dolphins

Off to St Helens for the night

Black Cockatoos
and caught one in flight 

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