Thursday 5 December 2013

Day 28 - Kings Canyon

Arriving in the early afternoon it was time to take some sunset shots….On the way i found a sneaky dingo standing on the garbage bins and opening the lid in search of dinner. Sprung…

I met Mandy and Rene from Germany, and chatted a bit. It was then early to bed (if 1030 is early ) then for some strange reason, I woke at 5am, so it was up to take photos of the sunrise.

Later in the morning i went off to Kings Canyon to do the big walk of 6km you have to climb about 500 rock steps straight up. 

After doing so i began to think what the hell was I doing. I am not as young as I used to be. 

After 15mins of rest and settling myself after being worried I had got myself into trouble…( i did have my sat phone and Epirb ) a group of six passed me.  I quickly decided to walk behind them.  Fortunately within 100 metres the track became easy for the remaining 5km. A lesson to be learnt here.

Definititely worth the climb but do it with others……Thats the issue about travelling alone.

The photos don't really show exactly how dramatic the landscape is:

The colours of the Northern Territory

A magpie lark which feasted on the dead bugs on my car.

Later that evening i took some sunset shots again at the viewing deck and met Rheece and Rachael both students from Uni of Woolongong. I had previously met them at the hostel in Coober Pedy

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